
Property list is a flexible container that can be used to exchange structured data between Oxygen and its plugins. For example it is used in custom plugin requests to send request parameters and return values beween a QML item and its associated plugin.

Usage in C++ and QML

Property list is a sorted list of Key-Value pairs with typed values. The methods described in this section are identical for instances in C++ and QML.

Supported Value Types

The data types described in this section are supported for values in the list and are referenced by the placeholder XY in the following document:


Boolean value

Default value: false


Signed integer value

C++ type: std::int64_t

QML type: Number; cannot precisely represent the full 64bit range

Default value: 0


Unsigned integer value

C++ type: std::uint64_t

QML type: Number; cannot precisely represent the full 64bit range

Default value: 0


Double precision floating point value

C++ type: double

QML type: Number

Default value: NaN


String of Unicode characters. This can be used to store xml documents if required.

C++ type: std::string in UTF-8 encoding

QML type: String

Default value: “”


Numeric value with an associated unit string (usually SI compatible)

C++ type: odk::Scalar

QML type: object with properties value (Number) and unit (String)

Default value: value 0 with no unit


Unique id of an oxygen channel.

C++ type: std::uint64_t

QML type: string; string representation of the id

Default value: 0 or “”


A property list value, which can be used to construct hierarchical structures. Values of this type are always copied, therefore it is not possible to manipulate a list in place.

Default value: empty list

Basic Methods


returns true if the container constains no elements


removes all elements in the container

setXY(name, value)

appends a value of type XY to the list using key name. If name is not empty any other items with same name are removed.

Index-based Access

If values are appended with empty keys, the values are accessible by their 0-based index.


returns the number of values in the container


returns the value at position index

Key-based Access

Values that are stored using a unique key can be retrieved using key-based methods.


returns true if key name is associated with a value


returns the value stored under this name, if the types matches.

QML Specific Information

An object of type PropertyList can be created in JavaScript using

var pl = plugin.createPropertyList();

Advanced Usage in C++

The C++ interface provides additional methods to get direct access to the underlying odk::Property objects, update values in place and handle additional data types.

These features are usually not necessary to implement plugins using the provided framework classes.